No vi la
entrevista televisiva que le hicieron días pasados a nuestro loterista por
excelencia. Siempre que voy a su administración me quedo sorprendido, antes por
su manejo cortando billetes y ahora con la soltura sonrisa incluida, tecleando “te
ha tocao no te ha tocao”. Me gusta dedicarle una entradilla por estas fechas.
Imagino que este premio lo daría la suya y no otra; válgame dios no me
equivoque de lotero. Simpatico
relato de un sorteo. 1927
I didn't see the television interview they did
days to our loterista par excellence. Whenever I go to your administration I'm
surprised before by their management cutting tickets and now with ease,
including smile, that type "you has touched not you been touched". I
like to dedicate an intro by these dates. Imagine that this award it would give
it yours and not another, worth me God not me equivoque of lotero. Nice
"relatacion" of a draw and curious those comments late. 1927